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Sports Chiropractic at SpineGeek Chiropractic

Tiger Woods. Michael Jordan. Joe Montana.

Do you know what these top athletes have in common? They all credit chiropractic for their superior performances. If you want to be one of the best in the game, you simply have to have a chiropractor on your team.

Just like we always talk about here, would you want your health to be in the green grass zone, brown grass zone, or dead grass zone? Everyone always chooses the green grass zone. We can help athletes stay in that green grass zone, getting everything their body and mind need to be strong and able to compete.

Why Chiropractic?

Elite athletes can choose any doctors they want. Physical therapists, massage therapists and more are typically part of their team. But without being adjusted by a chiropractor, an athlete’s full power isn’t turned on. To be the best in the world, you must maximize the health of your nervous system. It’ll give you that competitive edge, allowing you to be mentally and physically strong and recover quickly.

Dr. Joe is the co-founder of an organization that helps elite athletes and teams perform at their best. Through this organization, he has traveled with U.S. Olympians to the Olympics in 2012 and 2016. He was also the team chiropractor for the Colorado Rapids. The athletes include two gold medalists, and in 2010 the Rapids won the MLS Championship. The proof is in the pudding!

When you give your body what it needs, you’ll be able to get more out of it. A spine that’s correctly aligned means you can perform better, whether you’re an individual athlete or a part of a team.

Whether you’re a tennis player or enjoy weightlifting, bowling or mountain biking, you want to be green grass strong- having a healthy, open mind and body so you can heal as God intended.

If you get injured, know that we can get you safely back to your sport, naturally.

Dr. Joe is certified by the Colorado High School Sports Association to perfrom sports physicals. That means you can bring your child athlete to Dr. Joe to do their sports physicals. Dr. Joe offers this service to the people of our community. If an entire team needs to be seen, Dr. Joe can do so on-site, and typically charges a nominal fee that is then donated back to the team.

Call Now

Take the next step. Contact our team today to set up your first appointment for sports chiropractic Northglenn!


Sports Chiropractor Northglenn CO | (303) 457-8080