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Meet the Team at SpineGeek Chiropractic

Our warm and friendly team members are passionate about helping patients enjoy optimal health. We’d like you to get to know them better.

Heather Aguero

Front Desk Communications, Chief Baby Holder and Spinal Rehabilitation Geek

SpineGeek Chiropractic Front Desk, Heather Aguero“I enjoy seeing our patients making improvements to their health. Whether it is them coming in with less pain and more relief in the areas they hurt or making even bigger changes like losing weight and getting stronger.”

Staying Healthy

Since she began working at our clinic, Heather’s perspective on health hasn’t changed much. Her challenge is putting it into practice what you know -changing bad habits and having the self-control to say no to unhealthy things. “With Dr. Joe on my side and cheering me on, it helps me stay healthy and strong in a natural way.”

For Heather, it was a huge eye-opener to find out that her spine needs to have three curves, to a certain degree, for all of her organs and nerves to work together correctly-the way God made them work.

“When I do my home exercises, I do my part in keeping my body healthy, while also taking the time to get adjusted, so Dr. Joe can do his part to help me get healthy as well.”

Another way Heather stays healthy is eating natural, grown food, not man-made food.

Family, Faith and Fun

Heather is a mother of three amazing children, who are her everything. “I want to have an amazing quality of life to live for Christ. And be able to do what He has called me to do with energy and excitement.”

When she’s not at the practice, Heather likes to garden, paint, DIY projects, hike, play ultimate Frisbee, watch her kids play their sports games and watch their dance performances.

Book an Appointment

Contact us today to schedule a convenient appointment!


Meet The Team at SpineGeek Chiropractic | (303) 457-8080